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Sue Phillips


Beaverton, Oregon

Wet Macular Degeneration

Eyes Affected

Eye Color

Age at Diagnosis

Visual Acuity
20/400 Both eyes

Two PDT treatments

Prognosis or Current State of Vision
Stable as of March 4, 2005

Family History
I had an Great Aunt and Uncle who had eye problems but do not know if it was MD. I had an older sister who had MD when she died, but was on heavy medication. My twin sister was diagnosed with MD 5 months after me and is now legally blind also.

Impact on My Life
I miss not being able to read with out a CCTV or magnifiers. I miss being able to drive and work in the yard and garden like I did before this condition came upon me. I miss the freedom and independence I had when I could see.

Positive Effects
I have met some of the most wonderful helpful people at the support groups I attend and at the Oregon Commission for the Blind. I am learning that there are worse things in life then losing one's sight.


I have a CCTV at work and at home thanks to the Oregon Commission for the Blind. I have ZoomText with sound at home and at work. I am currently taking mobility training through the commission to become as independent as possible, and I do enjoy talking books. I am also working toward getting a guide dog and learning Braille.


I am still employed by Beaverton School as a kitchen manager for Bethany Elementary School. I have been with food service for 20 years and am not letting this "little" thing get in my way.

More About Me

I am married to my friend of 36 years. We were blessed with two wonderful children: a young lady and a young man--or that is what they are now. I grew up in Colorado but really love it here in Oregon. I feel so extremely blessed to have the love and support of a wonderful family.

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