Blinder Than I
An Awareness Play About Visual Impairment
Dan Roberts

Questions for Discussion
"The Rules of Blind Etiquette"

    This short play is presented in two versions. The first dramatizes the problems which occur when a group of young people encounter a visually-impaired girl in the park. The second version (which follows a brief discussion) shows the positive changes which could occur if those youngsters were more understanding of the girl's situation.

    It is important to realize that the central character, "Ronnie," is visually impaired, but not blind. Her condition prevents her from clearly seeing everything in her visual field, but she can still distinguish shapes and movement. Written by Dan Roberts, a visually-impaired author and teacher, the presentation is effective for school assemblies at any level and for community groups interested in learning not only about visual impairment, but sensitivity to others who are different in any way.
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